Becauselogistics service supply chain is a complex system composed of all kinds ofenterprises, it is very important to fully collaborate with service information.In the paper, we firstly construct the concept framework and multi-taskprincipal-agent model of total synergy by logistics service information grid.Then, based on across-coefficient and testability of supplier’s effort cost we addressthe factors and methods affecting incentive contract of total synergy. Finally,we put forward some advices so as to make reasonably use of information grid andrealize a holistic optimization of logistics service supply chain.
1. Introduction
Logistics service supply chain (LSSC) is a supplychain mode which is composed of logistics service supplier, logistics serviceintegrator and customer including manufacturers or retailers. Under the LSSCmode, the logistics service integrator (LSI) is core enterprise which providesintegrated solution scheme of logistics service to costumers and tailors thebasic and advanced logistics service to them [1]. However, in realistic casemany copartners are short of enough impetus to collaborative problem such as information-sharing,group decision-making. Synchronously, the academic research on total synergy ofLSSC under grid environment is lack [2]. In allusion to the status, we not onlyconstruct the concept framework of total synergy by logistics serviceinformation grid, but also design an incentive contract using multi-task principal-agentmodel. Via an analysis and discussion, we hope to provide some supports and advicesfor LSI so that LSSC can effectively integrate all copartners to implement a collaborativeeffect of “2+2>5”.