Abstract—Enterprise logistics risk management has become anew research area as research on it is rather scarce to date. This research is thusdesperately needed especiallyin the contemporary business environmentwhen enterprise logistics are facing a myriad of risks.The main proposition of thisreport seeks to focus on the importance of gaining adequate knowledge aboutenterprise logistics risk management and to highlight the critical need for awidespread research effort on enterprise logistics risk management. Based on168 valid questionnaires from interviews of 300 enterprises in China, this paperpresents an analytical study of current situation of logistics risk management in three aspects: therespondents’ background information, the basic situation of enterpriselogistics risk management and the enterprises’understanding of logistics risk. Questionnaireresults show that most organizations do not place a high enough priority onenterprise logistics risk management. In conclusion, future research needs are highlightedand several practical suggestions are presented.
Keywords-enterprise logistics risk;risk analysis;risk management