Abstract:3PL enterprise carriesout collaborativedistribution by sharing information and integrating resources between them,which can reduce the operating costs of distribution and get the more profitefficiently. Distributing the costs of collaborative distribution and sharingthe profits reasonably is the prerequisite for the smooth implementation ofcollaborative distribution. The Nash bargaining model is introduced on thebasis of discussion of cost allocation method of the cooperative distribution.The article makes some improvement on the basis of Nash bargaining solution andproposes mended program which takes into account the bargaining abilities ofparticipants. Finally, a numerical example is given to illuminate that mendedresults are more fair and reasonable.
Keywords:3PL enterprise; Collaborative distribution; Costallocation; Model
0 Introduction
The collaborativedistribution is considered one of the high efficientdistribution models in the enterprisesoperation, isalso one of the important elements of the "green logistics". JapaneseIndustrial Standards (JIS) takes collaborative distribution for “many shippersdistribute goods together to improve logistics efficiency”. For thecollaborative distribution, Japan Ministry of Transport considers “the distribution of using a trucktransporter, a transport system, in order to rationalize the logistics, in thecity, in the cooperationof several regular freightdemands”. The pattern of collaborativedistribution based on 3PL enterprise is that a variety of vendors make up ofalliance of collaborative distribution, which collects and distributes goodsthrough third-party logistics service providers used as co-ordinationcentre.Its purpose is to establishalliance under the idea of resources sharing to increasegreatly efficiency of personnel, materials, time and other resources,achieve maximum benefits, but also can remove excess cross-transport, obtainsocial benefits of traffic mitigation, environmental protection. However, in the actual operation, the collaborativedistribution has not been carried out well; one reason is that issue ofcost allocation and profit-sharing has not been resolved satisfactorily. Theproblem of profit-sharing is considered from the perspective of cost.Reducing the cost of enterprises beard means increasing its profit(It mainly refers to the savingsof distributioncosts). From this, distributing all costs arisingfrom collaborative distribution activities fairly and reasonably is theprerequisite for the smooth implementation of collaborative distribution of 3PLenterprise.So how to distribute the collaborativedistribution costs of 3PL enterprise fairly and reasonably, and shareprofits has become a hot topic in the current academiccircles.