Abstract: Discuss the connotation and the implementation process ofquality chain model, think that quality chain node identification andevaluation is the key to the effective implementation of the quality chainoperation model. In the perspective of quality chain node, design theevaluation index system of quality chain nodes task execution capability,and use semantic-based fuzzy evaluation method and analytic hierarchy processto evaluate, which provides basis for decision-making for the effectiveformulation of quality chain operation mechanism.
Key Words:quality chain; operationmodel; quality chain node; fuzzy evaluation
Theconcept of the quality chain is first proposed by the scholar at Columbia Universityin Canada,they integrated some important concepts of quality, such as QFD, SPC, supplychain and processes performance, the characteristics value of products, processcapability and so on, systematically and comprehensively expressed the organic connectionsamong them [1]. Dr. Joseph M. Juran, an American quality management expert, proposedthe concept of quality circle, namely the quality of products was formed duringthe entire process, including market survey, development, design, planning, procurement,production, control, testing, sales and service feedback and so on, which was improvedspirally in this whole process with continuous cycle [2].Quality circle is the sameas quality chain in essence, both which emphasized the systemic and collaborativein the process of quality control. The study on the theory of the quality chainhas been greatly concerned at home and abroad, the methods of quality chainmanagement are widely researched and applied in the manufacturing industry, educationand so on [3-6]. Ding Wenqin, a Chinese scholar , also proposed quality chain thinkingin some other perspective, which think that the quality mind, personnelquality, quality culture, performance quality, product quality areinterrelated, and to achieve the ultimate goal of improving the quality ofproducts[7].