Abstract: Researchon logistics finance is one focal area in logistics innovation study. Servicesupply chain studying is forming a new research trend in supply chain management.This paper is based on IUE-SSC MODEL from service supply chain perspective. Weconstruct logistics finance service supply chain model and analyze keyactivities in logistics finance service supply chain management.
Key words: logistics;logistics finance; supply chain; service supply chain; logistics financeservice supply chain
1.Supply chain and service supply chain
1.1Supply Chain and Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Supplychain is the logistics activity integration across enterprises. The found ofSupply Chain Management Professional Association (CSCMP) symbolized the logisticsdevelopment entered the supply chain era. As the link among key functions andbasic commercial processes inside or cross enterprises, and transforms theminto the management integration concerning the organic business model, supplychain management become the key to build business core competency that cannotbe copied[1].According to PROC national standards onlogistics terminology, supply chain is the networked organization including theupstream and downstream businesses which delivers products or services to theend-user in the production and circulation process. Supply chain management (SCM)involves planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling all the activities inthe supply chain.
1.2 Service Supply Chain (SSC)
Supplychain involves providing manufactured products (physical supply chain) and services(service supply chain). In some degree services has six characteristics incontrast with manufactured products, namely: intangibility, simultaneity,heterogeneity, perishable, labor intensive and so on. Because of these characteristics,those physical supply chain-based practices and theories can not apply slavishlyto the service supply chain. Service supply chain study specially becomes thenecessity. In fact, service supply chain research is coming into center stageand is gradually form into a new research trend as the services sectordominates the national economy[2]. TuncdanBaltacioglu et al. [3]proposedthat service supply chain is the network of suppliers, service providers,consumers and other supporting units that performs the functions of transactionof resources required to produce services; transformation of these resourcesinto supporting and core services; and the delivery of these services tocustomers. Service supply chain management is the management of information,processes, resources and service performances from the earliest supplier to theultimate customer.