Abstract- For adapting today’s diversifiedmanagement environment, we should implement the active purchasing management.Based on the research of traditional purchasing activity characteristics, thisessay proposed several directions of the development of the active purchasing,such as the expansion of purchasing functional area to so called two“terminals”, etc. At the same time, the center of needs forming is alsomentioned as a conception firstly in this essay.
Index Terms - Purchasing Strategy, SupplyChain, Activeness, Center of needs forming.
I. Introduction
The diversification of the management environment requiresthe company to adjust the purchasing system accordingly. Nevertheless, only afew those companies have thecapacity of adopting active measures timely. For most enterprises, the effectiveness of thepurchasing/supplying function can not be guaranteed. In this case, it isnecessary to implement active management for achieving the biggest positiveeffect in the purchasing activity. At present, only a few scholars pay theirattention to this problem [1], but the outcome of their researchlacks guiding significance.
Thisessay proposes the basic direction of implementing active purchasing strategy,which relies on the analysis ofthe negativecharacteristics in the traditional purchasing activity with the consideration ofthe requirements for theenterprises in the supply chain circumstance.
II. Basic characteristics of traditionalpurchasing activity
The totality of the traditionalpurchasing activity in the planned economy system could be regarded as thenegative purchasing activity, and it hasthe following characteristics:
1) Narrow vertical functional area;
2) Limited purchasing materials scope;
3) Comparable big order lot size;
4) Comparable long purchasing time interval;
5) Non-fully developed management flow;
6) Lacking of unification andstandardization;
7) Comparable lower managementinformationalization level;