The information sharesbetween the supplier and the manufacturer is quite necessary for goodcooperation. As a strongly recommended way, the management informationisation canimprove the sharing efficiency and accuracy, it is essential to select thesupplier with good informationization or know the supplier’s informationizationstatus. With the general aim, the supplier informationisation evaluation isdiscussed in this paper with the different types of scores terms andcomputer-aided technologies. A new aggregation operator is proposed based onthe mapping approach, whose input and output variables can be in types ofnumbers, intervals, linguistic values or symbolic values. Then the mappingdefinition of the operator is emphasized for expressing the hierarchicalrelationship among the evaluation items is analyzed, in which the databasetechnology is adopted for more practical evaluation system. Finally, anexperiment analysis is carried out with the help of the correspondingalgorithms for validating the effective of the proposed aggregation operator。
1. Introduction
The relative organizationscan’t achieve a good cooperation without effective
information share, letalone the supplier and the manufacturer. It is very important for amanufacturer to share his necessary data with his accessory and parts’suppliers. Good supplier can helps the manufacturers realize their strategiessuccessfully.
Information technology gives anavailable way to share the necessary data between supplier and manufacturer. Sothe informationisation status of the suppliers shows their ability ofinformation sharing. In more detail, the level of information management andthe interface of necessary data of those suppliers need to be evaluated by themanufacturer. With this goal, the evaluation indexes system of data sharing ofsuppliers is established with two aspects. One is for evaluating the level ofinformation management and the other is the interface of necessary data.
In Figure 1, theformer shows the potential ability of data sharing and will consider thehardware status, the software and informationisation scale, and the interiorintegration status. The hardware status is determined by the quantity and the performance of the servers, the ratio of pcand the personnel, and so on. The software status focuses on the managementscope of software, the standardization of business information management, theflexibility of business process management, and the proficiency of theoperators. And the interior integration status can be given by the experts withtheir experiences. The latter indicates the operation ability of data sharing, which consists of three main factorsincluding the available exterior integrationtype, the flexible interface for data sharing, and information security status.The integration type includes the interface integration, the data integrationand the process integration usually. The flexible interface indicates theability to specify the bill for the manufacturer and match own existing billfor better efficiency of data sharing. And the reliability of data sharingrelies on the information security partially, in which many security mechanismsmay considered.
At present, many kinds ofdecision making techniques have been proposed, in which different aggregation operatorsare adopted [1, 2]. Usually different aggregationoperators are used to fuse a certain type of data separately. The representativetypes are the numerical data and the linguistic data. Apparently, the former has ordinalorder and is easy to deal with. But in real world, most of information is oftenqualitative with vague or imprecise knowledge in nature. It would be a morerealistic approach in qualitative setting to use linguistic assessments instead of numerical values [3]. So many operators or methods are developed fortreating the linguistic data with fuzziness or incomparability[4],even under more uncertainty [5].