Abstract- Based on the observation and the analysis of the total demand amount andthe procurement benefit of the defense general-purpose material (DGM)importation in the process of entry intoWTO, this article positively researchesthe logic of the DGM importation amountcome into being, and describes this procession as three phases. After analysis on the reasonable-demand model and actual-demand Model,the author points out that, from the angle of demand part, the DGM importation demand's undulation under the under the economic opening policy will betaken DGM reasonable importation demand as the upper limit and the effectivedemand without policy benefit as the lower limit and forward draws close to theformer in scale, but the main undulation recently is decrease which indicatethe change of China’s DGM importation demand type from preferential-policy-pullto construct-requirement-push, and this change is the intrinsic factor andphysical cause of the undulation.
Keywords-foreign trade policy; defense general-purposematerials; importation;WTO
I. Introduction
This research inspired by and sourcesfrom the observation and analysis on the total demand amount of the Chinese defensegeneral-purpose material (hereafter refers to as DGM) importation after 2001.During this period, the Chinese government has adapted to economy globalizationrequest and fulfilled the pledge made while joining in WTO, comprehensivelyaccelerated the foreign trade management system reform, largely adjusted thetrade barrier policy in order to accelerate opening the market. Theseadjustments has had brought comprehensive and profound influence to entire DGMimportation acquisition, representing great undulation of the total DGMimportation amount. Our researches previously, such as [1] & [2], havefound that, the actual cost of developing country’s DGM importation, such asChina, will present 3-staged developing characteristic for the policyadjustment will increase the it’s value in short-term and disperse the equivalenttariff in long-term.
This phenomenon can explain why the undulation of DGMimportation amount should happen from the angle of supply part[3]. Butthis research demonstrates farther that, from the angle of demand part, thisundulation will be taken DGM reasonable importation demand as the upper limitand the effective demand without policy benefit as the lower limit