Abstract—In this paper,we propose graph theory model to the layout planning of airport logistics park.First, several commonly used facilities layout methods were introduced and acomparative analysis was made out respectively. Secondly, an empirical study ofNingbo airport logistics park was carried out based on graph theory to thelayout planning of core facilities for this park. Finally, we draw someconclusions and make suggestions for future study.
Keywords-ningbo airport logistics park; facility layoutplanning; graph theory
I. Introduction
Thereare many ways for airport logistics park facility layout planning at present.For example, Systematic Layout Planning(SLP), Quadratic Assignment ProblemModel(QAP), Quadratic Set Covering Model, Linear Integer Programming Model,Graph Theoretic Model, Multi-objective Layout Model, Dynamic Layout Model,Stochastic Layout Model, Robust and Flexible Layout Model, Flow-lines LayoutModel, Row Layout Model, Loop Layout Model [1], etc. The more common of whichare the Systematic Layout Planning, Graph Theory Method and ComputerizedRelationship Layout Planning(CORELAP). Based on above three methods, we make acomparative analysis respectively, as showed in Tab. I.
Forthe reasonableness of airport logistics park layout planing, we not only needto meet the principles of rationalization, but also adopt scientificquantitative methods. In this paper, we use center point and median point ofgraph theory model and apply it to the layout of core facilities for Ningbo Airport Logistics Center[2,3].