According to the characteristics ofEmergency Logistics, the path optimization model based on hard time window wasestablished and sovled by using improved genetic algorithm to solve. Theinitial population generation, fitness function to determine, encoding methodsand genetic operator selection were presented and the algorithm runningprocesses was given. The computer simulation shows that the improved geneticalgorithm has a better path selection and faster delivery time compared with simplegenetic algorithm.
1. Introduction
Emergency Logistics refers to a speciallogistics activities with the purpose of emergency supplies needed to providein unexpected natural disasters, public health emergencies and other unexpectedthings, which has the objective of pursuing to maximize time efficiency andminimize disaster losses. It has the features of sudden, uncertainty,unconventional and weak economies, etc[1].
In recent years, many scholars researchthis topic in depth. According to the characteristics of contingency logistics,Wei Y etal[2]divided the sudden public events complex logistics anddistribution into two sub-routing problems, such as founding and distributionsub problems. Linet O[3]established a multi-commodity logisticsplanning model, the large-scale emergency logistics vehicle routing problem wassolved by Lagrange algorithm. S heu JB [4]proposed a rapid responsemodel to disaster emergency logistics and distribution of hybrid fuzzyclustering optimization. Lu anwen etal [5]established a contingencybased on road transport logistics and distribution model. Liu Chunlin etal[6]gives the model of emergency under the minimum response time. The modelsolution method was proved by the theory, etc. But there are issues such aspremature and early convergence. In order to overcome these shortcomings, someimprovements were made in genetic operators of genetic algorithm, and then theimproved genetic algorithm was used to solve the problem of emergency logisticspath optimization in this paper.