Abstract--In recent years, supply chaindisturbances happen frequently, and they have seriously struck the goods flow, informationflow and cash flow in the supply chains. Some supply chain disturbances evenlead to the collapse of the entire supply chain and cause huge loss to the membersof supply chain and even the whole industry chain. So supply chain disturbanceshave brought about tremendous negative effectto the logistics enterprisesand society. Now quite a few scholars pay much attention to the supply chaindisturbances management and contribute many useful results. This papersummarizes the major literatures that focus on supply chain disturbance originsand preventing measures, as well as emergency management and evolution mechanismof supply chain disturbance. Furthermore this paper proposes the futureresearch directions on supply chain disturbances management, such as empirical study of origins identification and modelingresearch about the evolution mechanism, as well as integrated management ofsupply chain disturbance.
Keywords--Supply chain disturbancemanagement; Origins; Preventing measures; Emergency management; Evolution mechanism
In recent years, supplychain disturbances happen frequently and have brought about tremendous negative effectto the logistics enterprisesand even the whole society. Such as the "Sudan Red” event in 2005 not onlycaused big loss to additives manufacturers, but also brought about damages to theraw material suppliers, product distributors, retailers in the internal foodsupply chain. Only the 1,200 KFC stores in