Abstract—The enterprise life cycle stagesprovide the necessaryconditions for the strategy, as well as limits the range of choosing. To choosethe right strategy to match enterprise life cycle is the key to businesssuccess.This paper conducted a study on the strategic choosing of logisticsenterprises, focusing on the different characteristics of the four stages inthe enterprise life cycle, which are the introduction, growth, maturity and recession stages. Then, more than twenty kinds of optional typical strategies for fourperiods were summarized by analyzing the domestic and international logisticsbusiness strategy cases.
Keywords-Enterprise Life Cycle, Logistics Enterprise,Strategy
1. Introduction
In 2010, the worldwide economic recoveryproceeds. Thanks to our governmentissued a package of polices, such as "logistics industry restructuring and revitalization plan", most logistics companies havesuccessfully overcome the impact of the financial crisis and the domesticmarket maintained smooth performance.In retrospect, it is easy to see while costsof logistics businessrised andthe market was downturn, thedomestic logistics companies have become increasingly division into two opposingextremes. Onone hand, the competitiveenterpriseshaveearned more resources and markets. On theother hand, the weak corporatewere bankrupt or acquired. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, but the formulation of enterprisestrategy is undoubtedly the critical. Since the enterpriselife cycle stageslimit the range of making strategy decision, how to define the lifecycle of logisticscompany, and how to select strategyto matchthe lifecycle, theproblems above have became the key to business success.
The study of life-cycle theory hasbeen startedfrom the productlife cycle, which is proposedby Raymond Vernon. And then many scholars gradually usedthis theory to study the companies, and they focusedon business growthmomentum and growth cycle, such as: Penrose, Chandler,Adizes and so on.Adizes[1] describes thecorporate lifecycles as ten stages:courtship, infancy, go-go, adolescence, prime, stability, aristocracy,recrimination, bureaucracy, and death stages.