Keywords: human resource planning; robustoptimization; express companies; turnover; uncertainty
Abstract: Workforce capacity planning to deal with high turnover rate is critical and essential for express companies in China. This paper sets up a robust model toplan thework force capacity so asto reduce the turnover andmaintain the stabilityof operations.The advantage of the model is that itimmunizes against the effect of uncertain turnover rates and reflects the employeesof different types including promotion, transfer, leave and practice amongdifferent positions.Meanwhile, the model with the objective ofmaximization of couriers’ salaryis helpful to reduce the number of voluntarily leaving employees. Then, anempirical analysis ofa business department of SF express companyis carriedout to validate the robustmodel.
High employeeturnover rate is a major challenge for express companies in China. Planningworkforce capacity is an effective way to reduce the impact of uncontrolledemployee turnover on operations. The workforce capacity planning problem isabout developing human resource with necessary skills to deliver effectiveservices in the future. Generally, there are two tasks which are essential forthe human resource management: (a) identifying the current and future skilltypes and numbers of employees required for the business need and development;(b) determining a proper workforce capacity plan based on the present workforceto match the future requirements (Song and Huang, 2008). This paper will focuson task (b), that is, what plan an organization should take to manage theworkforce for the future which considers transferring (from one post to another),hiring and demission.
Workforce capacity planning in human resourcemanagement is a critical and essential component of the courier servicemanagement. The workforce/manpower capacity planning problem has been studiedextensively in the past decades.