作为圆桌会议的一部分,学生和教师将依据研究专长进行分组。在所有学生给出一个简短的(5 - 10分钟)工作总结之后,全体教师将为每一个学生提供学生论文评价。其他参与者也将被邀请参加该会议,并提出对论文的反馈意见。
有兴趣参与研究圆桌会议的博士生将受邀在2014年4月10日前向Gal Raz(galraz@virginia.edu)提交申请。申请内容应该包括简历和一份一页的关于学生毕业论文研究的非技术性总结。将优先考虑快毕业的学生。录取通知书将于2014年4月15日前寄出。出席圆桌会议的学生没有任何额外费用,但所有参与者必须注册参加POM可持续运营与供应链管理联合小型会议。
Gal Raz
Charlottesville, VA 22903
电话: 434-924-3920
传真: 434-243-4351
电子邮箱: RazG@darden.virginia.edu
POM Supply Chain Management and Sustainable Operations DoctoralResearch Roundtable
Please join the College of Supply Chain Management and the College ofSustainable Operations for our inaugural Doctoral Research Roundtable. Attending PhD students will have the opportunity to interact with and receiveone-on-one feedback on their research from faculty in their respective fields.The doctoral research roundtable will be held on the 8th of Mayat 9am, just prior to the joint mini-conference hosted by both colleges.
As part of the research roundtables, students and faculty will be groupedby research expertise. The faculty will offer comments on students’ papersafter each student gives a brief (5 – 10 minutes) summary of his/her work.Other participants will also be invited to join and offer feedback on thepapers.
Doctoral studentsinterested in participating in the research roundtables are invited to submitan application to Gal Raz (galraz@virginia.edu) by April 10th, 2014. The application shouldinclude a CV and a one-page non-technical summary of the student’s thesisresearch. Priority will be given to students close to the end of their PhD.Acceptance letters will be sent out by April 15th, 2014. There is noadditional cost to students for attending the Research Roundtable, but allparticipants must be registered for the POM Sustainable Operations and SupplyChain Management joint mini-conference.
Thanks and lookingforward to seeing you in POMs in May,
Gal Raz
Associate Professor of Business Administration
Darden School of Business
University of Virginia
100 Darden Blvd.
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Tel: 434-924-3920
Fax: 434-243-4351
Email: RazG@darden.virginia.edu