Tsan-Ming Choi,香港理工大学,香港。
Stein W. Wallace,挪威经济学院,挪威。
Yulan Wang,香港理工大学,香港。
Call for Papers – Journal of the Operational ResearchSociety
Special Issue on Risk management and coordination in servicesupply chains: information, logistics and outsourcing
Aims and Score
Today in many developed countries and regions, over 90%of GDP comes from the service sector. Normally, supply chain management isconcerned with the management of the forward and reverse flows of physical productsand the related flow of information and funds. A service supply chain differsdramatically from the traditional manufacturing supply chain because the“service product” cannot be inventorized, customers are highly involved in theservice process, and the assessment of the service quality can be highlysubjective. As a result, new dimensions on risk emerge, and many traditionaldecisions such as production, replenishment, warehousing, scheduling andquality control are taking new performance metrics. In fact, a service supply chaincan be defined as a network of suppliers, service designers, service providersand other service partners that transfer resources into services (or servitisedproducts) and deliver them to customers. Coordinating a service supply chainrequires both innovative strategies and new analytical models.
This special issue is devoted to publishingstate-of-the-art scientific research findings on issues related to servicesupply chain management. In particular, we focus on risk management andcoordination challenges in service supply chains as they are very timely andhave special relevance to service operations. Potential research topicsinclude, but are not limited to, the following:
Networkdesign and coordination of service supply chain
Riskanalysis in service supply chains
Analyticalstudies on service value delivery and logistics
Serviceoutsourcing and coordination
Informationtechnology and its impact on service supply chain
Schedulingand capacity allocation for service providers
Qualityand reliability in service supply chains
Outsourcingin service supply chains
Data-driven service supply chain management
Game-theoreticanalysis of service supply chains
Simulation-basedservice supply chain optimization
Manuscript Preparation and Submission
The closing date for submissions will be 31 July 2014.Papers should be submitted electronically via the Journal of the OperationalResearch Society's online submission system at http://jors.msubmit.net/, following
the journal's instructions to authors at http://www.palgrave-journals.com/jors/author_instructions.html. Please
indicate that your submission is to the Special Issue“Service supply chain management” (by selecting this option at the appropriateplace). All papers submitted to the special issue will be peer reviewed inaccordance with the standard processes of the Journal.
Publication Schedule
Deadlinefor paper submissions: 31 July, 2014.
TheSpecial Issue is scheduled for publication in early 2016.
Guest Editors
Tsan-MingChoi, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
SteinW. Wallace, Norwegian School of Economics, Norway.
Yulan Wang, The Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity, Hong Kong.