(冀中能源井陉矿业集团物资供应分公司 河北石家庄 050100)
关键词:煤炭企业 物资管理 融资租赁 商贸联动 生命周期 物流信息化政策建议
Study on Goods Management and LogisticsInformatization of Coal Enterprises
Wu Zhongming
(Goods Supply Co.ltd, Jingxing Minging Group,JNEG, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, 050100)
Abstract The goods management of coal enterprise is always a hard nut.The paper points out, currently in the situation when the coal enterprisesmanage very difficultly, in the way of goods informatization, life spaninformatization, finance lease, commercial and trade linkage, as well as buildingsales logistics system etc., gradually realize the stock suppliesrevitalization, LogisticsInformatization, is an irresistable trend of the goods and equipmentsof the coal enterprises . The paper analyses the necessity, the significanceand the effects of the solutions above one by one. It offers the policy suggestionscorrespondently, and would be of great significance to the coal enterprises andtheir administrative organs.
Key words coalenterprise,goods management, finance lease, commercial and trade linkage,life span, logisticsinformatization, policy suggestion