Kannan Govindan, PhD
Associate Professor in Operations and Supply Chain Management
Department of Business and Economics
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
邮箱: gov@sam.sdu.dk
Tsan-Ming Choi, PhD
Associate Professor of Fashion Business
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Low-carbon Supply Chain Management in Emerging Economies
Special issue call for papers from Supply Chain Management
Green House Gas (GHG) emissions due to human activity are increasingly causing climate change such as global warming, which will predictably have severe consequences on humanity in the foreseeable future. As a result, low carbon emission has become the national development strategy in many countries. For example, developed countries create a new outlook in industrial and technical competition by increasing investment in the low-carbon economic field, formulating and implementing various bills, plans, and strategies, and strengthening the implementation of low-carbon strategies. Developing countries such as China, India, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, have also placed great importance on the low-carbon development by issuing a series of laws and regulations, which make provisions for the whole flow of the manufacturing, logistics, circulation, and recycling of a product.
Controlling carbon emissions, the issue originally arisen from pure transportation or production systems, has now become a serious challenge in the field of supply chain management because of the needed re-design of the whole global supply network in order to achieve the coordinated supply chain system under the respective regulations. As a result, many related research questions are open; and how to promote low-carbon supply chain management and erase sustainability barriers in developing countries become critically important.
This special issue aims at collecting recent novel studies on new and significant research developments made in terms of theoretical advances, methodological development, or innovative applications on low-carbon supply chain management. The focal point will be on research related to the emerging economies because traditionally they are the production base for many products’ global supply chains in the “non-carbon concern era”. Analyses can be conducted based on any pertinent supply chain management methods such as optimization models, empirical studies, business case studies, events studies, simulations, etc. These tools and methodologies may be either at operational or strategic (or a mixture) levels for the analysis.
Some suitable topics include, but are not limited to:
• Low-carbon supply chain relationship management and governance in developing countries
• Carbon footprint measurement and managing across supply chain
• New business model in a carbon-constrained supply chain in emerging markets
• Contract design and coordination for low-carbon supply chain
• Low-carbon investment strategies within supply chain systems
• Supply chain management under policies, such as carbon taxes and cap-and-trade in emerging economies
• Optimization of low-carbon supply chain considering the behaviors of consumers and enterprises
• Networks and information technology implications for low-carbon supply chains
• Adapting supply chain systems to climate change
• Performance evaluation of climate change policies along supply chains
• Case studies on low-carbon operations management in cross country analysis
Manuscript Preparation and Submission
To prepare their manuscripts, authors are asked to closely follow the “Instructions to Authors” that is presented at the back of any recent issue of the SCM: IJ. Authors should submit their papers via the online submission system http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/scm and select “Special Issue: Low carbon SCM…” when asked to indicate the “Article Type” in the submission process. Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts will be refereed according to the standards of SCM:IJ.
Proposed Schedule
Manuscript Due: June 1, 2015
First Round of Reviews: October 1, 2015
Revised Paper Submission: December 1, 2015
Guest Editors
Kannan Govindan, PhD
Managing Guest Editor
Associate Professor in Operations and Supply Chain Management
Department of Business and Economics
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Email: gov@sam.sdu.dk
Tsan-Ming Choi, PhD
Associate Professor of Fashion Business
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
- See more at: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/call_for_papers.htm?id=5887#sthash.BQspqWk5.dpuf