李方峻1 陶君成2
(1.湖北城市建设职业技术学院 经济管理系,湖北 武汉430205; 2.湖北经济学院 物流与工程管理学院,湖北 武汉430205)
【关键词】连锁零售企业 网络零售 物流运作模式
Research online retail logistics operation mode of implementation of chain retail enterprises
LI Fang-jun1 ,TAO Jun-cheng2
(1. Department ofEconomy Management,Hubei Urban Construction Vocational and Technology College,Wuhan,430205;2. School of Logistics and Engineering Management,Hubei University of Economics,Wuhan,430205)
Abstract: Chain retail enterprises to carry out the online retail business is an inevitable trend. The key to a successful online retail business is logistics service. Chain retail enterprises should play its business network advantages, fully explore a new mode of logistics services, distribution patterns and directly by supplier self-run logistics distribution mode, the third party logistics distribution mode such as logistics distribution mode to provide customers with excellent logistics services.
Key Words:chain retail enterprise,online retail,logistics management mode