(1.福建工程学院 交通运输学院,福州,350118 2.武汉理工大学 交通学院,武汉430063)
摘 要:集装箱码头物流系统(Container Terminal Logistics Systems,CTLS)的生产调度是具有强约束巨规模NP-Hard性质的多目标组合优化问题,一直是理论研究和生产实践的难点和热点。本文将经典的PID控制引入到港口的生产调度中,CTLS内部复杂的层次性、非线性和动态性被转化为较为简单的线性关系,形成了一种新的调度算法,并利用主动时间窗和PID控制的变种形式进一步定义了的多种子控制模式,帮助CTLS在允许的时间范围内获取计划调度中的高质量的较优解。最后,通过一个大型集装箱码头的生产实例,从通过能力、任务延迟和负载均衡等方面全面评估了所提调度算法的优劣,并给出了相应的结论。
中图分类号:TP29 文献标识码:A
A Scheduling Algorithmfor Container Terminals within PID Control Framework
LI Bin,YANG Jia-qi
(School of Transportation, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430063, China)
Abstract:The scheduling in container terminal logistics systems (CTLS) is the multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems with strong constraints, giant problem space and NP-Hard difficulty, which has been the hot and difficult issue in the theory and practice. The classic PID control thinking is introduced into the scheduling in CTLS in this paper. The complex hierarchy, nonlinear and dynamic in CTLS all are transformed to be a kind of a relatively simple linear relationship that forms the nucleus of a new scheduling algorithm. At the same time, the philosophy of active time window and the variation of PID control both are exploited to define the diversified subschema to assist CTLS to obtain the superb satisfactory solutions to planning and scheduling in the allowed range of time. At last, the algorithm is performed and evaluated from the perspective of traffic capacity, task latency and load balancing by a case of large-scale container terminal, and then the merits were mentioned.
Keywords: logistics engineering; scheduling algorithm; PID control; container terminals; load balancing
CLC number: TP29 Document code: A
1 引言
集装箱码头物流系统(Container Terminal Logistics Systems,CTLS)是典型的离散事件动态系统(Discrete Event Dynamic Systems,DEDS)、分布式控制系统(Distributed Control Systems,DCS)和大规模并行处理系统(Massive Parallel Processing Systems,MPPS),其单个环节的生产调度往往就已经是NP-Hard问题,其集成生产调度更是极难获取最优解,甚至是较优解[1]。更为严重的是,当前大多数研究即使能够利用启发式或智能优化算法获取质量较高的满意解,往往也具有以下的限制:(1)所提出的算法较为复杂,且往往是比较理想情况下面向港口局部环节某种装卸工艺的抽象模型,缺乏实用性和普适性[2];(2)较为贴近生产实践的算法,往往也是针对单个作业环节,但计算量大,需要较长的机时来获取较优解,难以在不确定环境下动态寻优,周期性调整[3];(3)主要考虑CTLS的通过能力和船舶在港时间,从港口多条作业线并行任务调度、资源动态重构和综合负载均衡的角度去探讨港口装卸生产的研究还较少,对港口作业中表现出的并行性、局部性和动态性特点重视不够[4]。
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