Servitization2.0: Evaluating and progressing servitization-related research from novelconceptual and methodological methods
Special issue call for papers from International Journalof Operations & Production Management
Guest editors:
Rodrigo Rabetino(University of Vaasa, Finland),
Marko Kohtamäki (University of Vaasa, Finland),
Christian Kowalkowski (Linköping University, Sweden),
Tim S. Baines (Aston Business School, UK)
Rui Sousa (Catholic University of Portugal –Porto-, Portugal)
The transformationof manufacturing towards the integration of products and services has receivedincreasing attention since the inception of the today known as theservitization domain thirty years ago. In particular, the field has begun to growfrom the seminal publication by Oliva and Kallenberg (2003) and became popularafter two reviews by Baines and colleagues (Baines et al.,2007; Baines, Lightfoot, Benedettini, & Kay, 2009). In the followingyears, servitization became nearly synonymous with companies moving fromselling products and basic services to selling product-service systems (PSS).These PSS typically include advanced lifecycle services and involve changes incompanies’ business models (Rabetino, Kohtamäki, &Gebauer, 2017; Rabetino, Kohtamäki, Lehtonen, & Kostama, 2015; Sousa &da Silveira, 2017). Lately, the servitization research has becomeincreasingly relevant in the expansion of digitalization, Internet-of-Things,Industry 4.0, and circular economy business models. As a phenomenon andparticular research context, servitization has inspired an increasing quantityof problem-driven research providing understanding and opportunities for futureresearch, whereas knowledge has accumulated within related scholarlycommunities (Lightfoot, Baines, & Smart, 2013;Rabetino, Harmsen, Kohtamäki, & Sihvonen, 2018).
Any scholarly domain has to take stock of its conceptual developmentoccasionally (Bull & Thomas, 1993), and servitization is no exception.After a phase of explosive accumulation of problem-driven research, variousacademics have recently expressed the need to consolidate the growingservitization domain even further. As Kowalkowski, Gebauer, and Oliva (2017)conclude, servitization has reached certain maturity and recognition as anestablished scholarly domain, but it still remains as a theoretically nascentfield. Acknowledging these circumstances, a plurality of voicescontemporaneously expressed the need to introduce new perspectives, questionthe dominant basic assumptions, and endow the servitization-related researchwith a greater conceptual component (Kowalkowski,Windahl, Kindström, & Gebauer, 2015; Luoto, Brax, & Kohtamäki, 2017;Rabetino et al., 2018). Scholars have also called for bridging theservitization-related communities while looking for synergies, a sharedunderstanding of the key research themes, greater knowledge accumulation withinand across research streams(Lightfoot et al., 2013;Rabetino et al., 2018; Tukker & Tischner, 2006).
While there is explicit agreement on the need to develop the field, differentopinions exist on how to progress the field. Servitization research can be seenrequiring more theory-driven research, methodological rigor, practicalrelevance, or future orientation, but no single right answer exists (Baines et al., 2017; Bigdeli, Baines, Bustinza, & Shi,2017; Rabetino et al., 2018). Discussion and different alternative pathsshould be mapped, and a theoretical platform for the debate is needed. Thisspecial issue aims to provide a platform for the discussion and constructivedebate. The goal is to develop insights and trigger discussions into theopportunities and challenges for developing the servitization-related research.Academic domains progress from social processes during which its memberscollectively build and legitimate the field(Whitley,1983, 1984). The debate becomes more relevant when trying to understandcritical issues related to the domain’s evolution, and when facing the need forintegrating different servitization-related streams (e.g., PSS research) to theservitization mainstream.
Topic areas of interest
The present SIinvites members in the servitization community to debate critical questions forthe future development of the field. We want to encourage servitization-relatedscholars to submit research contributions that build on established knowledgein the area of servitization and PSS. The primary purpose of this SI is tocreate a common platform to discuss future ways for developing the field, whichinclude the debate of alternative theoretical lenses, opportunities for theorydevelopment, the interplay between servitization and related fields, as well asmanners to address key research questions/issues in the field. To that end, weseek submissions with an original perspective and advanced thinking on thedevelopment of the servitization field, instead of empirical studies onservitization.
The proposed SI does not seek contributions proposing a single unified agendabut, instead, a variety of perspectives on how to advance theservitization-related research (from the conceptual and methodologicalviewpoints). Hence, papers in this SI should use various means of studying theprevious literature on servitization, to propose a variety of futuredirections. Although they can contain some review of the literature, we lookfor submissions that go beyond systematic reviews, and propose and discussfresh conceptual and methodological avenues for further development of thefield. We welcome academically oriented papers with solid conceptual groundingthat should look for, but not be limited to, answers to the followingquestions:
• What is the role of theory in servitization research? What significantresearch questions are being ignored by servitization research? What are thetheoretical lenses that can contribute to developing servitization-relatedresearch in the future? How to approach development of the servitization fieldfrom different theoretical perspectives? Does the domain require furtherconceptual development or, alternatively, the consolidation of servitizationresearch should be primarily based on problem-driven research looking forpractical relevance?
• How the different servitization-related streams interrelate, and how theinterplay between these related streams can materialize in future research? Howto integrate research from different servitization-related communities? How caninterdisciplinary collaboration toward a common agenda be promoted andsupported?
• What are the future conceptual and methodological challenges of theservitization research field when considering the stock of accumulated academicknowledge and real-world trends? What will the research field look like in tenyears?
• How can the servitization community develop the domain further? Which are thealternative paths of advancing the field? What does each path involve and whatthe real implications for the field’s development are in each case? Does thedomain have to develop following a single path? Alternatively, can the futuredevelopment take many paths simultaneously?
Different topics are also welcome if they contribute to the collectiveconceptual debate on how to consolidate the servitization domain further.
Review Process
To ensure that thespecial issue obtains the best mix of theory-driven and methodologically basedarticles, a multistage review process will be implemented. Potential manuscriptare to be submitted through IJOPM’s central ScholarOne system ( by the officialsubmission deadline below (01 June 2020). All papers submitted will be subjectto an initial screening by the IJOPM’s editorial team. Submissions deemedsuitable will then be send out to IJOPM’s regular review base for double-blindreviews. Author guidelines can be found here.
Deadline for paper submission: 01 June 2020
Reviewer first report: 25 August 2020
Revised paper submission: 30 October 2020
Reviewer second reports: 30 November 2020
Publication expected by: mid 2021
Rodrigo Rabetino is tenured Associate Professor ofStrategic Management in the School of Management and the Vaasa Energy BusinessInnovation Centre (VEBIC) at the University of Vaasa (Finland). His currentresearch activities concern servitization and product-service systems,industrial service business, business intelligence, business models, strategyas practice, and small business management. He has published articles ininternational journals such as Regional Studies, International Journal ofOperations and Production Management, Industrial Marketing Management,International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Small Business Management,and Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, amongst others,
Marko Kohtamäki is Professor ofStrategy, and a director of the "Networked Value Systems" (NeVS)research program at the University of Vaasa, and has previously served as aVisiting Professor in Luleå University of Technology, and as an associatefellow in the University of Oxford, Said Business School. Prof. Kohtamäki takesspecial interest in industrial service business or servitization, strategicpractices, and business intelligence or management information systems intechnology companies. Kohtamäki has published in distinguished internationaljournals such as Strategic Management Journal, International Journal ofOperations and Production Management, Industrial Marketing Management, LongRange Planning, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, International Journal ofProduction Economics, Technovation, amongst others,
Christian Kowalkowski is Professor ofIndustrial Marketing at the Institute of Technology at Linköping University,and serves as Assistant Professor of Marketing at Hanken School of Economics inHelsinki. His research focuses on service growth strategies, serviceinnovation, and solutions marketing. Kowalkowski is the Expert Research PanelChair—Servitization of the Journal of Service Management. In the book ServiceStrategy in Action: A Practical Guide for Growing Your B2B Service and SolutionBusiness (2017), professors Christian Kowalkowski and Wolfgang Ulaga sharetheir practical twelve-step roadmap for crafting and executing a successfulservice-growth strategy—based on hands-on experience of working with companiesand solid research,
Tim Baines is Director of the AstonCentre for Servitization Research and Practice, and the leading internationalauthority on servitization. He spends much of his time working withmanufacturing companies to understand servitization in practice and helpsbusinesses navigate the transformation to services. He also delivers executivedevelopment and custom programs to industry. He is the author of Made to Serve:How Manufacturers Can Compete through Servitization and Product Service Systems(Wiley, 2013), a practical guide to servitization based on in-depth researchwith leading corporations,
Rui Sousa is Full Professor of OperationsManagement at the Catholic University of Portugal (Porto) and holds a PhD fromthe London Business School. His research has been published in leadinginternational journals, including the Journal of Operations Management,Production and Operations Management, International Journal of Operations &Production Management, Decision Sciences and the Journal of Service Research.Rui is Associate Editor for the Journal of Operations Management and theInternational Journal of Operations & Production Management, HonoraryFellow of the European Operations Management Association and Director of theService Management Lab. His current research interests include servitization,operations strategy and technology-enabled services.
Baines, T. S.,Lightfoot, H. W., Evans, S. E., Neely, A., Greenough, R., Peppard, J., Roy, R.,et al. (2007). State-of-the-art in product-service systems. Proceedings of theInstitution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of EngineeringManufacture, 221(10), 1543–1552.
Baines, T. S.,Ziaee Bigdeli, A., Bustinza, O. F., Shi, V. G., Baldwin, J., & Ridgway, K.(2017). Servitization: revisiting the state-of-the-art and research priorities.International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 37(2), 256–278.
Bigdeli, A. Z.,Baines, T. S., Bustinza, O. F., & Shi, V. G. (2017). Organisational Changetowards Servitization : A Theoretical Framework. Competitiveness Review : An InternationalBusiness Journal, 27(1), 12–39.
Bull, I., &Thomas, H. (1993). Editors’ note: A perspective on theory building inentrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing, 8(3), 181–182.
Kowalkowski, C.,Gebauer, H., & Oliva, R. (2017). Service growth in product firms: Past,present, and future. Industrial Marketing Management, 60, 82–88.
Kowalkowski, C.,Windahl, C., Kindström, D., & Gebauer, H. (2015). What service transition?Rethinking established assumptions about manufacturers’ service-led growthstrategies. Industrial Marketing Management, 45, 59–69.
Lightfoot, H.,Baines, T. S., & Smart, P. (2013). The servitization of manufacturing: Asystematic literature review of interdependent trends. International Journal ofOperations & Production Management, 33(11), 1408–1434.
Luoto, S., Brax,S. A., & Kohtamäki, M. (2017). Critical meta-analysis of servitizationresearch: Constructing a model-narrative to reveal paradigmatic assumptions.Industrial Marketing Management, 60, 89–100.
Oliva, R., &Kallenberg, R. (2003). Managing the transition from products to services.International Journal of Service Industry Management, 14(2), 160–172.
Rabetino, R.,Harmsen, W., Kohtamäki, M., & Sihvonen, J. (2018). Structuringservitization-related research. International Journal of Operations &Production Management, 38(2), 350–371.
Rabetino, R.,Kohtamäki, M., & Gebauer, H. (2017). Strategy map of servitization.International Journal of Production Economics, 192, 144–156.
Rabetino, R.,Kohtamäki, M., Lehtonen, H., & Kostama, H. (2015). Developing the conceptof life-cycle service offering. Industrial Marketing Management, 49, 53–66.
Sousa, R., &da Silveira, G. J. C. (2017). Capability antecedents and performance outcomesof servitization. International Journal of Operations & ProductionManagement, 37(4), 444–467.
Tukker, A., &Tischner, U. (2006). Product-services as a research field: Past, present andfuture. Reflections from a decade of research. Journal of Cleaner Production,14(17), 1552–1556.
Whitley, R.(1983). From the sociology of scientific communities to the study ofscientists’ negotiations and beyond. Social Science Information, 22, 681–720.
Whitley, R.(1984). The fragmented state of management studies: Reasons and consequences.Journal of Management Studies, 21(3), 331–348.
Rodrigo Rabetino(University of Vaasa, Finland),
Marko Kohtamäki (University of Vaasa, Finland),
Christian Kowalkowski (Linköping University, Sweden),
Tim S. Baines (Aston Business School, UK)
Rui Sousa (Catholic University of Portugal –Porto-, Portugal)
制造业向产品与服务一体化的转变受到了越来越多的关注,这种趋势自三十年前开始被称为服务化领域。这一领域从Oliva andKallenberg (2003)这篇重要的开创作品之后开始迅速成长,并在Baines等人和他的同事两次评论之后变得越来越流行(Baines et al.,2007; Baines, Lightfoot, Benedettini, & Kay, 2009)。在接下来的几年里,服务化几乎成为了“从销售产品和基本服务转向销售产品服务系统(PSS)”的同义词。PSS通常包括先进的生命周期服务,涉及公司业务模式的变化(Rabetino,Kohtamäki, & Gebauer, 2017; Rabetino, Kohtamäki, Lehtonen, & Kostama,2015; Sousa & da Silveira, 2017)。最近,服务化研究在数字化、物联网、工业4.0和循环经济商业模式的扩展中变得越来越重要。作为一种现象和特定的研究背景,服务化激发了越来越多的由问题驱动的研究,为今后的研究提供了新的理解和机会,相关的知识则在相关的学术社区中逐步积累(Lightfoot,Baines, & Smart, 2013; Rabetino, Harmsen, Kohtamäki, & Sihvonen, 2018).
任何一个学术领域都必须评估其概念发展(Bull & Thomas,1993),而服务化也不例外。经过一个阶段问题驱动的研究的爆炸性积累,学者们最近表示,有必要进一步巩固日益增长的服务化领域。正如Koalkowski、Gebauer和Oliva(2017)所得出的结论,作为一个已确立的学术领域,服务化已经达到一定的成熟度,获得了学术领域的认可,但它仍然是一个理论上的新兴领域。认识到这些情况,多种声音同时表示需要引入新的视角,质疑一些占主导地位的基本假设,从概念的角度赋予与服务化相关的研究(Kowalkowski,Windahl, Kindström, & Gebauer, 2015; Luoto, Brax, & Kohtamäki, 2017; Rabetinoet al., 2018)。学者们还呼吁在寻求协同作用的同时,架设与服务相关社区之间的桥梁,共同理解关键的研究主题,加强研究流程内部和跨领域的知识积累(Lightfoot et al.,2013; Rabetino et al., 2018; Tukker & Tischner, 2006).
虽然对发展这一领域的必要性有明确的一致意见,但对于如何在这一领域取得进展存在着不同的意见。可以看出,服务化研究需要更多的理论驱动研究、方法的严谨性、实际相关性或未来方向,不存在单一的正确答案(Baines et al.,2017; Bigdeli, Baines, Bustinza, & Shi, 2017; Rabetino et al., 2018)。讨论以及不同的备选途径应加以规划,并需要一个辩论的理论平台。本专题旨在为讨论和建设性辩论提供一个平台。其目标是开发新见解,引发对发展服务相关研究的机遇和挑战的讨论。学术领域是从社会过程中发展而来的,在这一过程中,它的成员集体地建立了这个领域并使其合法化(Whitley, 1983,1984)。当试图理解与领域发展相关的关键问题时,以及在需要将不同的服务化相关流派(例如PSS研究)集成到服务化主流时,会产生更多的辩论。
Rodrigo Rabetino在芬兰瓦萨大学管理学院和瓦萨能源企业创新中心(VEBIC)担任终身战略管理副教授。他目前的研究活动涉及服务化和产品服务系统、工业服务业务、商业智能、商业模式、战略作为实践和小企业管理。他曾在“区域研究”、“国际经营和生产管理杂志”、“工业营销管理”、“国际生产经济学杂志”、“小企业管理杂志”、“小企业和企业发展杂志”等国际期刊上发表过文章,
Christian Kowalkowski是瑞典林雪平大学技术学院工业营销教授,并担任赫尔辛基汉肯经济学院营销助理教授。他的研究重点是服务增长战略、服务创新和解决方案营销,是“服务管理杂志”的专家研究小组主席。在“服务战略中的行动:成长你的B2B服务和解决方案业务的实用指南”(2017)中,ChristianKowalkowski 和Wolfgang Ulaga教授分享了他们的的十二步路线图,以便根据与公司合作和扎实研究的实际经验,制定和实施成功的服务增长战略。
Tim Baines是阿斯顿市服务研究和实践中心主任,也是服务化方面的国际权威机构。他花了大量的时间与制造公司一起工作,以便在实践中了解服务化,并帮助企业向服务方向转换。他还向工业界提供行政开发和定制程序。他是“制造服务:制造商如何通过服务和产品服务系统进行竞争”(Wiley,2013)一书的作者,这是一本基于与主要公司的深入研究的服务化实用指南,
Rui Sousa是葡萄牙天主教大学(波尔图)运营管理学教授,拥有伦敦商学院博士学位。他的研究发表在领先的国际期刊上,包括“运营管理、生产和运营管理杂志”、“国际运营和生产管理杂志”、“决策科学”和“服务研究杂志”,是“运营管理杂志”和“国际运营与生产管理杂志”的副编辑,是欧洲运营管理协会荣誉研究员和服务管理实验室主任。他目前的研究兴趣包括服务化、运营策略和技术支持的服务。
Baines, T. S.,Lightfoot, H., Benedettini, O., & Kay, J. (2009). The servitization ofmanufacturing: A review of literature and reflection on future challenges.Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 20(5), 547–567.
Baines, T. S.,Lightfoot, H. W., Evans, S. E., Neely, A., Greenough, R., Peppard, J., Roy, R.,et al. (2007). State-of-the-art in product-service systems. Proceedings of theInstitution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of EngineeringManufacture, 221(10), 1543–1552.
Baines, T. S.,Ziaee Bigdeli, A., Bustinza, O. F., Shi, V. G., Baldwin, J., & Ridgway, K.(2017). Servitization: revisiting the state-of-the-art and research priorities.International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 37(2), 256–278.
Bigdeli, A. Z.,Baines, T. S., Bustinza, O. F., & Shi, V. G. (2017). Organisational Changetowards Servitization : A Theoretical Framework. Competitiveness Review : AnInternational Business Journal, 27(1), 12–39.
Bull, I., &Thomas, H. (1993). Editors’ note: A perspective on theory building in entrepreneurship.Journal of Business Venturing, 8(3), 181–182.
Kowalkowski, C.,Gebauer, H., & Oliva, R. (2017). Service growth in product firms: Past,present, and future. Industrial Marketing Management, 60, 82–88.
Kowalkowski, C.,Windahl, C., Kindström, D., & Gebauer, H. (2015). What service transition?Rethinking established assumptions about manufacturers’ service-led growthstrategies. Industrial Marketing Management, 45, 59–69.
Lightfoot, H.,Baines, T. S., & Smart, P. (2013). The servitization of manufacturing: Asystematic literature review of interdependent trends. International Journal ofOperations & Production Management, 33(11), 1408–1434.
Luoto, S., Brax,S. A., & Kohtamäki, M. (2017). Critical meta-analysis of servitizationresearch: Constructing a model-narrative to reveal paradigmatic assumptions.Industrial Marketing Management, 60, 89–100.
Oliva, R., &Kallenberg, R. (2003). Managing the transition from products to services.International Journal of Service Industry Management, 14(2), 160–172.
Rabetino, R.,Harmsen, W., Kohtamäki, M., & Sihvonen, J. (2018). Structuringservitization-related research. International Journal of Operations &Production Management, 38(2), 350–371.
Rabetino, R.,Kohtamäki, M., & Gebauer, H. (2017). Strategy map of servitization.International Journal of Production Economics, 192, 144–156.
Rabetino, R.,Kohtamäki, M., Lehtonen, H., & Kostama, H. (2015). Developing the conceptof life-cycle service offering. Industrial Marketing Management, 49, 53–66.
Sousa, R., &da Silveira, G. J. C. (2017). Capability antecedents and performance outcomesof servitization. International Journal of Operations & ProductionManagement, 37(4), 444–467.
Tukker, A.,& Tischner, U. (2006). Product-services as a research field: Past, presentand future. Reflections from a decade of research. Journal of CleanerProduction, 14(17), 1552–1556.
Whitley, R.(1983). From the sociology of scientific communities to the study ofscientists’ negotiations and beyond. Social Science Information, 22, 681–720.
Whitley, R.(1984). The fragmented state of management studies: Reasons and consequences.Journal of Management Studies, 21(3), 331–348.