Call for Papers
Special Issue of the Journal of Operations Management
Global Operations and Supply Chain Management in the Context of Dynamic International Relations
Volatility in international relations among countries can influence a firm’s global operations and its underlying supply chain design through the interactions among states and non-state actors. For example, one intent of the current trade war between the U.S. and China is to encourage reshoring decisions by U.S. manufacturers (The Economist, 2018). The Catalonia independence vote in Spain led more than 2,700 firms to move their headquarters away from the region (Erickson, 2017). The Brexit referendum has raised concerns for multinational enterprises about access to international markets. These concerns have led firms to rethink the design of their global supply chains in Europe (Sheng, 2019).
The sentiments of non-state actors can impact global supply chain designs and operations as well. For examples, the French-language movement in Quebec (Canada) drove French-speaking consumers to complain and boycott brands that refused to add a French phase to their logos (Canadian Press, 2012; Hamilton, 2016). Lotte Mart, one of the largest Korean retailers, was forced to exit the China market because of the boycott by Chinese consumers caused by the Korean government’s providing land for the U.S. missile defense system (China Daily, 2018).
These cases demonstrate the significant impact of various external stakeholders on firms’ global operations and supply-chain decisions. Research on the impact of international relations is well established in international business, political science, and economics disciplines. The scope of international relations covers (but is not limited to) foreign affairs, international history, international laws, non-state actors’ (e.g., NGOs and consumer groups) behaviors, and international events (Baylis et al., 2017). Some of these issues have been addressed through analysis of national and international political activities (Hillman and Wan, 2005), labor standards in a global context (Locke et al., 2007), national cultures and communications (Nes et al, 2007), innovation policy and global production (Breznitz and Murphree, 2011), terrorism activities (Czinkota et al., 2010), and the deglobalization phenomenon (Witt, 2019).
To examine the impact of the dynamics of international relations on operations, it is fairly common for operations management (OM) scholars to use various dummy variables in their empirical models to capture the year and/or location to control for the effects caused by the dynamic change of certain corresponding events. However, these treatments skim the surface and often overlook research opportunities proffered by these dynamics. From a historical perspective, international relations have been identified as a major driver of demand, innovation, and capital formation throughout the industrial revolution (Singhal, 2001). Yet, current empirical OM literature provides limited insight about how the dynamics of international relations affect the efficiency, effectiveness, consistency, and flexibility of global operations and supply chain management (OSCM). With the absence of implications and insights derived from empirical research, operations managers are provided with limited references for their decision making in adapting to ever-changing business environments. There have been only a few exceptions. Metters (2008) argued that the dynamic of international relations may pose risks to offshoring strategies. Dube et al. (2016) explored the impacts of host government on the performance international humanitarian organizations. Singhal and Singhal (2019) described the role of international relations and war in the development of Chinese technology and manufacturing.
This special issue aims to push forward the discourse among political and social sciences and OM. We encourage the submission of high-quality manuscripts that can advance our understanding of the impacts of international relations on global OSCM. We also encourage OM scholars to investigate how public policy that could affect firms’ operations is generated, and examine how OM research provides implications for formulating policy. We expect that these research implications can contribute to future policy-making by facilitating physical, information, and cash flows in global supply chains. Potential topics include but not limited to the following:
- The impacts of unilateral, bilateral, and multi-lateral international trade agreements on the transition and performance of a firm’s global operations strategy
- Global supply chain management in the context of dynamic national power relations and conflicts
- Operational resilience to adverse international events (e.g., war, terrorism political disputes, natural and man-made disasters)
- Industry regulatory and operational strategies (e.g., worker health and safety regulations, environmental regulations, etc.)
- Government enforcements and regulatory requirements for improving occupational safety and sustainability
- National monetary policy and supply-chain finance
- Adapting operational systems to environmental changes
- Collaborative innovations among firms and governments
- Economic reforms and supply chain management in state-owned enterprises and privately held firms
- Social movements and their impacts on OSCM
- OSCM decisions in response to non-government organization (NGO) campaigns
- Terrorism and global supply-chain security
- Entry barriers and international operations (e.g., immigration policies)
- International collaborations and humanitarian operations
- Surveys, experiments, action research, case studies, secondary and archival data analysis, network analysis, and typological analysis
- Combinations of empirical and other methods such as analytical modeling, simulation, and ethnography
Guest Editors:
Andy C.L. Yeung (Managing editor)
Prof. Yeungis the Chair Professor of Operations Management and Head of Department of Logistics and Maritime Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He obtained his Ph.D. from The University of Hong Kong. His papers are published in journals such as Journal of Operations Management, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management,and Organization Science. He is currently a Departmental Editor ofJournal of Operations Managementand received the Best Associate Editor Award in 2013. His research interests include operations management, supply chain management, innovation and information management.
Christopher S. Tang
Prof. Tangis a University Distinguished Professor and the holder of the Edward W. Carter Chair in Business Administration at the UCLA Anderson School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles. He has published 6 books, 30 book chapters, over 100 online blogs, and over 160 research articles (with over 15,000 citations on Google Scholar) in various leading academic journals, and written articles for Wall Street Journal, Financial Times (UK), Fortune, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Business Times (Singapore),and The Guardian (UK). He was elected as lifetime fellow by theInstitute of Operations and Management Sciences (INFORMS), the Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), and theManufacturing and Service Operations Management Society (MSOM). Also, in 2015 and 2016, he was invited by the Royal Swedish Academy of Scienceto nominate candidates for the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. Recognized as a well-rounded scholar in global operations management, Prof. Tang was elected as President of Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)in 2014. Upon his election as Editor-in-Chief of a premier journal Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM)in 2015, he transformed the journal and got Financial Times (FT)to addM&SOMto its FT 50 Journal List in 2017.
Di Fan
Dr. Fanis a Senior Lecturer in the Research School of Management, The Australian National University. His current research focuses on the intersection between government enforcement and sustainable operations management. His research has been published in leading operations management journals includingJournal of Operations Management, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, and Decision Science. He has received a number of research awards including the IACMR Presidential Award for Responsible Research 2017.
Chris K.Y. Lo
Dr. Lois associate professor in the business division of the Institute of Textiles and Clothing at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research covers global supply chain management, corporate social responsibility, big data analytics, branding and retailing. His publications have appeared in journals, such as Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Organization Science, Journal of Operations Management, Decision Science, Information & Management, International Journal of Production Economics, and Journal of Business Research, also in fashion and textiles-science related journals. He is currently on the editorial review board Journal of Operations Management, and serves as associate editor of theInternational Journal of Workplace Health Management.
Yi Zhou
Dr. Zhouis a Lecturer in Operations Management in the Department of Management, Monash Business School. He obtained his PhD degree in Supply Chain and Operations Management from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prior to his PhD, he worked in the retail and logistics industry as a buyer and consultant for several years. His research is focused on sustainable operations management, global supply chain networks, and big data analytics for business operations. His works have been published in Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, and International Journal of Production Economics.
Manuscript submissions: 30 September 2020
Initial (first-round) decisions: 31 December 2020
Revised paper resubmissions: 31 March 2021
Manuscripts should conform to the instructions given in the Guide for Authors for the Journal of Operations Management
Baylis, J., Smith, S., & Owens, P. (Eds.). (2017). The globalization of world politics: An introduction to international relations. Oxford University Press.
Breznitz, D., & Murphree, M. (2011). Run of the red queen: Government, innovation, globalization, and economic growth in China. Yale University Press.
Canadian Press (2012). Big retailers taking French sign battle to Quebec court. Retrieved 2019/6/24 from
China Daily (2018). Lotte Mart to exit the Chinese market. Retrieved 2019/6/23 from
Czinkota, M. R., Knight, G., Liesch, P. W., & Steen, J. (2010). Terrorism and international business: A research agenda. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(5), 826-843.
Dube, N., Van der Vaart, T., Teunter, R. H., & Van Wassenhove, L. N. (2016). Host government impact on the logistics performance of international humanitarian organizations. Journal of Operations Management, 47, 44-57.
Erickson, A. (2017). Since Catalonia’s independence vote, 2,700 businesses have moved their headquarters. Retrieved 2019/6/23 from
Hillman, A. J., & Wan, W. P. (2005). The determinants of MNE subsidiaries' political strategies: evidence of institutional duality. Journal of International Business Studies, 36(3), 322-340.
Hamilton, G. (2016). Quebec cracks down on English brand names, forces prominent French signage to be included. Retrieved 2019/6/24 from
Locke, R. M., Qin, F., & Brause, A. (2007). Does monitoring improve labor standards? Lessons from Nike. ILR Review, 61(1), 3-31.
Metters, R. (2008). A typology of offshoring and outsourcing in electronically transmitted services. Journal of Operations Management, 26(2), 198-211.
Nes, E. B., Solberg, C. A., & Silkoset, R. (2007). The impact of national culture and communication on exporter–distributor relations and on export performance. International Business Review, 16(4), 405-424.
Singhal, K. (2001). History of technology, manufacturing, and the industrial revolution: An alternate perspective on Schmenner's hypotheses. Production and Operations Management, 10(1), 97-102.
Singhal, K., & Singhal, J. (2019). Technology and Manufacturing in China before the Industrial Revolution and Glimpses of the Future. Production and Operations Management. Forthcoming.
Sheng, A. (2019). From Brexit to the US-China trade war, it’s time to be realistic about solutions or risk massive global fallout. Retrieved 2019/6/23 from
The Economist (2018). Tariffs may well bring some high-tech manufacturing back to America. Retrieved 2019/6/29 from
Witt, M. A. (2019). De-Globalization: Theories, Predictions, and Opportunities for International Business Research. Journal of International Business Studies, Forthcoming.
Journal of Operations Management特刊
非国家行为者的情绪也会影响全球供应链的设计和运作。例如,魁北克(加拿大)的法语运动促使讲法语的消费者抱怨和抵制拒绝在其徽标中添加法语的品牌(Canadian Press,2012;Hamilton,2016)。韩国最大零售商之一的乐天超市(Lotte Mart)被迫退出中国市场,原因是韩国政府为美国导弹防御系统提供土地而引起中国消费者的抵制(China Daily, 2018)。
- 单边、双边和多边国际贸易协定对企业全球运营战略转型和绩效的影响
- 动态国家权力关系和冲突背景下的全球供应链管理
- 应对不利国际事件(如战争、恐怖主义、政治争端、自然和人为灾害)的运营弹性
- 行业监管和运营战略(例如,工人健康和安全法规、环境法规等)
- 提高职业安全和可持续性的政府执法和监管要求
- 国家货币政策与供应链金融
- 使运营系统适应环境变化
- 企业与政府间的合作创新
- 国有企业和私营企业的经济改革和供应链管理
- 社会运动及其对OSCM的影响
- 应对非政府组织(NGO)活动的OSCM决定
- 恐怖主义与全球供应链安全
- 入境壁垒和国际运营(如移民政策)
- 国际合作和人道主义运营
- 调查、实验、行动研究、案例研究、二次和档案数据分析、网络分析和类型分析
- 实证和其他方法的结合,如分析建模、仿真和民族志
Andy C.L.Yeung(总编辑)
Christopher S. Tang
Tang教授是美国加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森管理学院(UCLA Anderson School of Management,Los Angeles)的著名大学教授和爱德华•W•卡特(Edward W.Carter)工商管理学主席。他在多家主要学术期刊上发表了6本书、30多篇书章、100多个在线博客和160多篇研究文章(谷歌学者的引用超过15000次),并为《华尔街日报》、《金融时报》(英国)、《财富》、《洛杉矶时报》、《旧金山纪事报》、《商业时报》(新加坡)和《卫报》(英国)撰写文章。他被运营与管理科学研究所(INFORMS)、生产与运营管理协会(POMS)和制造与服务运营管理协会(MSOM)选为终身研究员。此外,在2015年和2016年,他应瑞典皇家科学院的邀请提名诺贝尔经济科学奖候选人。Tang教授被公认为全球运营管理的全面学者,2014年当选为生产运营管理学会(POMS)会长。2015年,他被选为一家顶级期刊《制造与服务运营管理》(M&SOM)的主编,他对该期刊进行了改造,并让英国《金融时报》(FT)在2017年将M&SOM列入《金融时报》50强期刊名单。
Di Fan
Dr. Fan是澳大利亚国立大学管理研究学院的高级讲师。他目前的研究集中在政府执法和可持续运营管理之间的交叉点。他的研究成果已发表在主要的运营管理期刊上,包括《运营管理杂志》、《制造与服务运营管理》和《决策科学》。他获得了多项研究奖项,包括2017年IACMR负责任研究总统奖。
Chris K.Y. Lo
Dr. Lo是香港理工大学纺织服装研究所业务部副教授。他的研究范围包括全球供应链管理、企业社会责任、大数据分析、品牌和零售。他的著作发表在《制造与服务运营管理》、《组织科学》、《运营管理杂志》、《决策科学》、《信息与管理》、《国际生产经济学杂志》和《商业研究杂志》等期刊上,也在时尚和纺织科学相关期刊上发表。他目前是《运营管理杂志》编辑审查委员会成员,并担任《国际工作场所健康管理杂志》的副主编。
Yi Zhou
Dr. Zhou是蒙纳士商学院管理系运营管理讲师。他获得了香港理工大学供应链和运营管理的博士学位。在获得博士学位之前,他曾在零售和物流行业做过几年的采购员和顾问。他的研究集中在可持续运营管理、全球供应链网络和商业运营的大数据分析上。他的作品曾在《制造与服务运营管理》和《国际生产经济学杂志》上发表。
Baylis, J., Smith, S., & Owens, P. (Eds.). (2017). The globalization of world politics: An introduction to international relations. Oxford University Press.
Breznitz, D., & Murphree, M. (2011). Run of the red queen: Government, innovation, globalization, and economic growth in China. Yale University Press.
Canadian Press (2012). Big retailers taking French sign battle to Quebec court. Retrieved 2019/6/24 from
China Daily (2018). Lotte Mart to exit the Chinese market. Retrieved 2019/6/23 from
Czinkota, M. R., Knight, G., Liesch, P. W., & Steen, J. (2010). Terrorism and international business: A research agenda. Journal of International Business Studies, 41(5), 826-843.
Dube, N., Van der Vaart, T., Teunter, R. H., & Van Wassenhove, L. N. (2016). Host government impact on the logistics performance of international humanitarian organizations. Journal of Operations Management, 47, 44-57.
Erickson, A. (2017). Since Catalonia’s independence vote, 2,700 businesses have moved their headquarters. Retrieved 2019/6/23 from
Hillman, A. J., & Wan, W. P. (2005). The determinants of MNE subsidiaries' political strategies: evidence of institutional duality. Journal of International Business Studies, 36(3), 322-340.
Hamilton, G. (2016). Quebec cracks down on English brand names, forces prominent French signage to be included. Retrieved 2019/6/24 from
Locke, R. M., Qin, F., & Brause, A. (2007). Does monitoring improve labor standards? Lessons from Nike. ILR Review, 61(1), 3-31.
Metters, R. (2008). A typology of offshoring and outsourcing in electronically transmitted services. Journal of Operations Management, 26(2), 198-211.
Nes, E. B., Solberg, C. A., & Silkoset, R. (2007). The impact of national culture and communication on exporter–distributor relations and on export performance. International Business Review, 16(4), 405-424.
Singhal, K. (2001). History of technology, manufacturing, and the industrial revolution: An alternate perspective on Schmenner's hypotheses. Production and Operations Management, 10(1), 97-102.
Singhal, K., & Singhal, J. (2019). Technology and Manufacturing in China before the Industrial Revolution and Glimpses of the Future. Production and Operations Management. Forthcoming.
Sheng, A. (2019). From Brexit to the US-China trade war, it’s time to be realistic about solutions or risk massive global fallout. Retrieved 2019/6/23 from
The Economist (2018). Tariffs may well bring some high-tech manufacturing back to America. Retrieved 2019/6/29 from
Witt, M. A. (2019). De-Globalization: Theories, Predictions, and Opportunities for International Business Research. Journal of International Business Studies, Forthcoming.