Downstream Product Innovation and Upstream Supply Chain Implications
Special issue call for papers from Supply Chain Management: an International Journal
Submission Due Date: November 30, 2020
A previous SI edited by Prof. Wagner and Prof. Wilding explored concepts of disruptive and radical innovation (New Supply Chain Models: Disruptive Supply Chain Strategies for 2030 (Volume 24, Issue 1)). Whilst the focus of that SI was with literature and conceptual work, this SI is purely applied and empirically grounded and seeking to explore issues and develop knowledge now and into the future. We would encourage a variety of papers including case studies, ethnographies and more innovative experimental methods. With the proviso that that the empirical papers are based on real data and not on scenarios, simulations or speculation. Innovative visual data collection methods, qualitative and quantitative innovations, field experiments and techniques such as design thinking are to be encouraged. Surveys are more appropriately submitted as part of a multi-method package. Therefore, we do not accept bibliometric, literature reviews or content analysis works in this special issue. Furthermore, we would like to reinforce that all contributions need to be empirical and that the SI does not include conceptual, modelling or simulation approaches.
The main objective of this special issue is to collate and present recent research examinations in the field of product innovation and its links with supply chain management. We are particularly interested in empirical studies investigating products undergoing a dramatic change in their architectures and dominant product/service logic. For instance, where product innovation is being replaced by a service dominant logic (i.e. such as mobility) and also leading to a fundamental re-thinking of outsourcing strategies, supplier roles in new product development, project management, market development management, supplier interface management, inter and intra-firm relationships, supply network structure, process flows and technologies.
In this Special Issue we are looking in particular at the supply chain management processes of product innovation involving advanced and high technology manufacturing (i.e. medical instruments, cell tissue), distributed manufacturing and local production. Finally, we would like to emphasise that both theoretical and practical implications to supply chain management should be presented in all contributions.
The topics to be discussed in this special issue include but are not limited to the following:
•New theory development which empirically models the impact of product eco-system innovation on supply chain management.
•Examinations of where product innovation, multi-partner initiatives and climate change is leading to a fundamental re-thinking of outsourcing strategies, supplier roles in new product development, project management, market development management, supplier interface management, inter and intra-firm relationships, supply network structure, process flows and technologies.
•Assessment of how firms in a supply chain create and capture business value from radical and disruptive product innovation.
•Assessment of the enablers and implications of radical and disruptive innovation on the design of future supply networks.
•What new capabilities are required to deal with dramatic shifts in "product eco-systems" and "ecologies" in terms of new requirements for process management, equipment, technology, systems, skills and attitudes?
•Assessment of supply network transformations that firms are undertaking to better realize the opportunities of new products, markets and technologies
•Works on innovation ecosystems and institutional theory approaches to understanding supply chain adjustments and innovation.
•How are firms aligning and negotiating their horizontal boundaries with public authorities and consumers, pressure groups and trade associations? What does this imply for supply chains?
•Assessment of how firms are dealing with new suppliers with no previous legacy or capability of operating in their traditional supply chain (i.e. infotainment, software, battery suppliers).
•How can innovation capital be a source of strategic advantage in the supply chain (i.e. Tesla)?
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers for this special thematic issue on Reconfiguring business processes in the new political and technological landscape on or before November 30, 2020. All submissions must be original and may not be under review by another publication.
Interested authors should consult the journal’s guidelines for manuscript on the journal's page.
Editor in Chief:
Professor Beverly Wagner
All inquiries should be directed to the attention of:
Gary Graham – (Lead Guest Editor)
All manuscript submissions to the special issue should be sent through the online submission system.
•Adner, R. (2017). 'Ecosystem as structure: an actionable construct for strategy', Journal of Management, 43, pp. 39-58.
•Anderson, C. (2013). Makers: The new industrial revolution. New York: Crown Business.
•Birkel, H.S. and Hartmann, E. (2019). Impact of IoT challenges and risks for SCM. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. pp. 39-61.
•Caputo, A., Fiorentino, R. and Garzella, S. (2019). From the boundaries of management to the management of boundaries. Business Process Management Journal.pp. 391-413.
•DaimlerAG (2014). 'BMW and Daimler combine mobility services', available at:
•D'Aveni, R. (2015). The 3-D revolution. Harvard Business Review, 93 (5): 40-48.
•Deken, F., H. Berends, G. Gemser and K. Lauche (2018). 'Strategizing and the initiation of interorganizational collaboration through prospective resourcing', Academy of Management Journal, 61, pp. 1920-1950
•Furr, N. and Dyer, J (2020) Lessons from Tesla’s approach to innovation. Harvard Business Review, available at:
•IEA (2020) Electric Vehicles Initiative, available at:
•Jacobides, M. G., C. Cennamo and A. Gawer (2018). 'Towards a theory of ecosystems', Strategic Management Journal, 39, pp. 2255-2276.
•Kley, F., C. Lerch and D. Dallinger (2011). 'New business models for electric cars—A holistic approach', Energy policy, 39, pp. 3392-3403.
•McIntyre, D. P. and A. Srinivasan (2017). 'Networks, platforms, and strategy: Emerging views and next steps', Strategic Management Journal, 38, pp. 141-160
•Ritala, P. (2012). Coopetition strategy–when is it successful? Empirical evidence on innovation and market performance. British Journal of Management, 23(3), pp.307-324.
•Santos, F.M. and Eisenhardt, K.M. (2005). Organizational boundaries and theories of organization. Organization Science, 16(5), pp.491-508.
•Søgaard, B., Skipworth, H.D., Bourlakis, M., Mena, C. and Wilding, R (2019). Facing disruptive technologies: aligning purchasing maturity to contingencies. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. pp. 147-169.
•Wilding, R. and Wagner, B. (2019). New Supply Chain Models: Disruptive Supply Chain Strategies for 2030 (Systematic Literature Reviews). Supply Chain Management: An International Journal , 24, 1.
正如Caputo等人(2019)所指出的,当前需要将横向(产品创新、多伙伴联盟)和纵向(供应链)边界元素结合在一起的工作。例如,汽车行业目前正在进行跨组织创新,公共机构和私营企业之间也在进行创新(IEA,2020)。组织越来越多地参与组织间的战略制定(Deken等 2018)。例如,竞争对手戴姆勒(Daimler)和宝马(BMW)合并了他们的移动平台Car2Go和DriveNow,共同建立了一个集公共和私人交通于一体的联运服务枢纽ShareNow(戴姆勒,2014年)。除了经济上对创新的压力,企业现在也有了实现可持续性和低碳目标的外部诱因。智慧和弹性城市、绿色基础设施走廊和清洁空气政策等举措正在导致新的价值观、长期使用价值以及通常与衡量创新影响相关的市场交换价值衡量标准。例如,挪威等一些发达经济体早在2030年就面临着用电动汽车取代所有内燃机的压力(Kley等,2011)。此外,这些目标要求对供应链进行根本性的重新思考,因为供应链为城市物流(即人力和货运流动)以及运作所需的商品和服务提供了重要动脉。
Professor Beverly Wagner
Gary Graham – (Lead Guest Editor)
•Adner, R. (2017). 'Ecosystem as structure: an actionable construct for strategy', Journal of Management, 43, pp. 39-58.
•Anderson, C. (2013). Makers: The new industrial revolution. New York: Crown Business.
•Birkel, H.S. and Hartmann, E. (2019). Impact of IoT challenges and risks for SCM. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. pp. 39-61.
•Caputo, A., Fiorentino, R. and Garzella, S. (2019). From the boundaries of management to the management of boundaries. Business Process Management Journal.pp. 391-413.
•DaimlerAG (2014). 'BMW and Daimler combine mobility services', available at:
•D'Aveni, R. (2015). The 3-D revolution. Harvard Business Review, 93 (5): 40-48.
•Deken, F., H. Berends, G. Gemser and K. Lauche (2018). 'Strategizing and the initiation of interorganizational collaboration through prospective resourcing', Academy of Management Journal, 61, pp. 1920-1950
•Furr, N. and Dyer, J (2020) Lessons from Tesla’s approach to innovation. Harvard Business Review, available at:
•IEA (2020) Electric Vehicles Initiative, available at:
•Jacobides, M. G., C. Cennamo and A. Gawer (2018). 'Towards a theory of ecosystems', Strategic Management Journal, 39, pp. 2255-2276.
•Kley, F., C. Lerch and D. Dallinger (2011). 'New business models for electric cars—A holistic approach', Energy policy, 39, pp. 3392-3403.
•McIntyre, D. P. and A. Srinivasan (2017). 'Networks, platforms, and strategy: Emerging views and next steps', Strategic Management Journal, 38, pp. 141-160
•Ritala, P. (2012). Coopetition strategy–when is it successful? Empirical evidence on innovation and market performance. British Journal of Management, 23(3), pp.307-324.
•Santos, F.M. and Eisenhardt, K.M. (2005). Organizational boundaries and theories of organization. Organization Science, 16(5), pp.491-508.
•Søgaard, B., Skipworth, H.D., Bourlakis, M., Mena, C. and Wilding, R (2019). Facing disruptive technologies: aligning purchasing maturity to contingencies. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. pp. 147-169.
•Wilding, R. and Wagner, B. (2019). New Supply Chain Models: Disruptive Supply Chain Strategies for 2030 (Systematic Literature Reviews). Supply Chain Management: An International Journal , 24, 1.