摘 要:近几年,动产融资监管业务蓬勃发展并广泛运用于国内贸易及进口贸易流通领域,解决了部分中小型企业融资难问题,有利地促进商品经济发展。但是,传统动产融资监管业务存在着业务形态较为低级、服务对象有限、风险隐患较大、无法推动和促进第三方物流业务的实质性发展等诸多问题,现已面临发展瓶颈,亟需在实际操作中寻找新的突破,结合融资企业业务特点和供应链运作向更高端模式发展。本文在现有动产融资实践和研究的基础上,结合国际金融、国际贸易和进出口物流的运作流程,着重研究如何将动产融资监管模式运用于融资需求旺盛的出口贸易和保税货物流领域,提出“出口海陆仓”及“保税货物融资”两种新型供应链融资物流服务模式,详细剖析其基本运作方式、风险控制措施,认为该新型供应链融资物流服务模式发挥了银行和第三方物流各自的专业优势,形成各方互惠共赢、风险可控的合作关系,有助于解决中小进出口企业的融资难题,为实现进出口放量增长注入活力,具有较好的实际应用价值,值得更多的研究、探讨和推广。
关键词:进出口 融资 监管 供应链 第三方物流
A New Supply Chain Finance Model for Trading Companies
Liao Xinkai
Abstract: Shortage in cash flow and capital has long been the bottle neck for the development and expansion of medium and small-sized enterprises (SMEs) in China. Chattel mortgage has been proven as a feasible and effective option to improve capital availability hence has been widely used in domestic and import trading business. However, the current chattel mortgage business is relatively simple, has limited service scope, high risk for the third party logistics company. It is also hard to incorporate into and synchronize with other supply chain business. A new model which is taylor-made for trading companies and can be incorporated into supply chain, is needed. Based on the researches and past practices in chattel mortgage, two new supply chain financing business model for import and export trading companies, combing the concepts of international finance, international trade and global logistics, are proposed. The feasibility of the new models for off-shore/in-transit inventory and boned warehouse goods are also studied. The advantages and potential risks for these new business models are investigated. It is noted that these new business models could bring mutual benefits to both bank and third-party logistics company, and the same time help SMEs solve their financing problems.
Keywords: Import & export financing chattel mortgage supply chain third-party logistics